Photography Class 1974

Two Women in San Jose 1980

Steve using the Ultra 14 in a corner, 1980. A kinetic sculpture I made. I had a show at San Jose State with photographs of people and the device.

Aboard the Klamath, a docked and renovated ferry in San Francisco, November 2024. Shot with a Kardon camera (a WW11 era rangefinder) and a later Fed collapsible lens—F 11, 1/100—no filter—Ilford FP4. I find the range of tones and composition satisfying. The Kodak Ektar is the lens designed for the camera, an excellent pairing. I found the coated Fed lens at Seawood Photo in San Rafael as an alternative. I like the simplicity.

An alley in Berkeley, 2024. I walked with a camera body—a Zarya 2, and a Leitz Summitar F2/50mm lens using Ilford FP4 film and shot at F11 at 1/125. This picture surprised me. Sometimes there is a moment of indecision, a question in the mind as to whether the image is worthy. I listened to my gut. The formality of the vertical, diagonal, and lateral elements works for me, the tightness of the fence construction, and the play of light.

Oakland Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade, Year of the Snake, February 22, 2025. Ilford FP4, Praktica FX, Meyer-Optik Gorlitz Primoplan 1.9/58, shot F8 1/200. Generally the exposures are good but soft—lacking in sharp edges. I was using zone focus and possibly should have closed down the lens some. The Primoplan is a good lens however and records detail well.